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3947 references

  Aarnio, K., E. Sandberg, and E. Bonsdorff (1989) Benthic predation on shallow-water macro-and meiofauna in the Baltic Sea: an experimental comparison between Pomatoschistus minutus (Pisces) and Saduria entomon (Crustacea). Annales Zoologici Fennici 28(1): 41–48.

  Abele, L.G. and K. Walters (1979) Marine benthic diversity: a critique and alternative hypothesis. Journal of Biogeography 6: 115–126.

  Abraham, S.J.G. (1966) On a re-description of two species of Irona, Irona far and I. robusta. Madras Journal of Fisheries 2: 23–42.

  Abu-Hakima, R. (1984) Preliminary observations on the effects of Epipenaeon elegans Chopra (Isopoda; Bopyridae) on reproduction of Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan (Decapoda; Penaeidae). International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 7(1): 51–62.

  Acloque, A. (1899) Faune de France -Thysanoures, Myriopodes, Arachnides, Crustacés, Némathelminthes, Lophostomes, Vers, Mollusques, Polypes, Spongiares, Protozaires. Paris.: J.B. Bailliere et Fils. 500 pp.

  Adams, A. (1852) Zoology. In: Sutherland, P.C. (ed.) Journal of a voyage in Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits, in the years 1850–1851 performed by H.M. ships “Lady Franklin” and “Sophia”, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of H.M. ships “Erebus” and “Terror”: with ... observations on the natural history and physical features of the countries and frozen seas visited. Vol. 2. London: Longman Group Ltd. Pp. 201–216.

  Adcock, J.A. (1979) Energetics of a population of the isopod Asellus aquaticus: Life history and production. Freshwater Biology 9: 343–355.

  Adkison, D.L. and S.B. Collard (1990) Description of the cryptoniscium larva of Entophilus omnitectus Richardson, 1903 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Epicaridea) and records from the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103(3): 649–654.

  Adkison, D.L., R.W. Heard, and G.T. Clark (1982) Description of the male and notes on the female of Argeiopsis inhacae (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 95: 334–337.

  Adkison, D.L. and R.W. Heard (1978) Description of a new genus and species of Pseudioninae (Isopoda: Bopyridae) parasite of the hermit crab Pagurus annulipes (Stimpson) from North Carolina. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 91(2): 408–417.

  Adkison, D.L. (1982) Description of Dactylokepon sulcipes n. sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) and notes on D. caribaeus.. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 95(4): 702–708.

  Adkison, D.L. (1984) Probopyrinella heardi n. sp. (Isopoda: Bopyridae) a branchial parasite of the hippolytid shrimp Latreutes parvulus (Decapoda: Caridea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97(3): 550–554.

  Adkison, D.L. (1984) Two new species of Gigantione Kossmann (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae) from the western North Atlantic. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97(4): 761–772.

  Adkison, D.L. (1988) Pseudione parviramus and Aporobopyrus collardi, two new species of Bopyridae (Isopoda: Epicaridae) from the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101: 576–584.

  Adkison, D.L. (1988) Kinematics of swimming in two species of Idotea (Isopoda: Valvifera). Journal of Experimental Biology 138: 37–50.

  Adlard, R.D. and R.J.G. Lester (1995) The life cycle and biology of Anilocra pomacentri (Isopoda: Cymothoidae), an ectoparasitic isopod of the coral reef fish, Chromis nitida (Perciformes: Pomacentridae). Australian Journal of Zoology 43: 271–282.

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  Afonso, O. (1982) Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Proasellus (Crust. Isopoda) du Portugal et des considérations sur la phylogénie de son genre. Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 163: 5–19.

  Afonso, O. (1982) Sur un Proasellus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellidae) cavernicole nouveau du Portugal. Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 166: 1–13.

  Afonso, O. (1982) Un nouvel asellide cavenicole du Portugal: Proasellus mateusorum sp. n. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota). Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 168: 1–14.

  Afonso, O. (1983) Un aselle phréatique nouveau de Bassin du Mondego (Portugal) et des considération sur les asellides Portugais (Crust., Isopoda, Asellidae). Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 178: 1–14.

  Afonso, O. (1984) Bragasellus incurvatus sp. n. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellidae) nouvelle espèce hypogée du Bassin du Douro. Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 187: 2–9.

  Afonso, O. (1984) Un nouveau Synasellus (Crust., Isopoda, Asellidae) de la nappe phréatique littorale au sud du Douro. Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 185: 1–12.

  Afonso, O. (1985) Un asellide nouveau (Crustacea, Isopoda) de la nappe phréatique du Douro: Synasellus intermedius sp. n. Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 188: 1–8.

  Afonso, O. (1987) Contribution pour la connaissance des rapports entre la qualité de l’eau phreatique et les communautes d’asellides (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota). Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia «Dr. Augusto Nobre» 198: 1–61.

  Agassiz, L. (1848) Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, continens Nomina Systematica Classium, Ordinum, Familiarum et Generum Animalium Omnium, Tam Viventium Quam Fossilium, Secundum Ordinem Alphabeticum Unicum Disposita, Adjectis Homonymus Plantarum. Soloduri: Jent et Gassmann. 1135 pp. [View Pages] PDF is 71MB (also available in 5 parts)

  Ahmed, M.M. (1970) New Isopoda (Flabellifera) from Iraq and Arabian Gulf 3. Ichthyoxenus asymmetrica sp. nov. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum 4: 33–36.

  Ahmed, M.M. (1970) New Isopoda (Flabellifera) from Iraq and Arabian Gulf, 4. Nerocila heterozota sp. nov. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum 4: 55–57.

  Ahmed, M.M. (1971) New Isopoda from Iraq and Arabian Gulf. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 47: 77–83.

  Alava, A. and O. Defeo (1991) Distributional pattern and population dyanmics of Excirolana armata (Isopoda: Cirolanidae) in a Uruguayan sandy beach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 33: 433–444.

  Albuquerque, E.F. and C. de O.C. Guéron (1989) Variaçao sazonal da fauna vágil de Sargassum stenophyllum Martens em duas estaçoes com diferentes fraus de esposiçao às ondas, em Ibicuí, Baía de Sepetiba, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Memorias de Instituta Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 84: 9–17.

  Albuquerque, E.F. (1978) Quatro espécies novas para o Brasil de Microcerberus Karaman, 1933 (Isopoda, Microcerberinaae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 38: 201–217. [View Pages] PDF is 3.5MB

  Albuquerque, E.F. (1979) Notas sobre as espécies de Microcerberus Karaman, 1933 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Anthuridae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 39: 977–984.

  Alexander, C.G. (1970) Studies on the nervous system of an isopod crustacean,Ligia oceanica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, A 33: 323–332.

  Alexander, D.E. and T. Chen (1990) Comparison of swimming speed and hydrodynamic drag in two species of Idotea (Isopoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology 10(3): 406–412.

  Alexander, D.E. (1988) Kinematics of swimming in two species of Idotea (Isopoda: Valvifera). Journal of Experimental Biology 138: 37–49.

  Alexander, D.E. (1991) Mechanics of branchial ventilation in the valviferan isopod Idotea wosnesenskii (Crustacea). Journal of Zoology 243: 607–616.

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  Aller, J.Y. and R.C. Aller (1986) General characteristics of benthic faunas on the Amazon inner continental shelf with comparison to the shelf off the Changjiang River, East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 6: 291–310.

  Alouf, N., J.P. Henry, and G. Magniez (1982) Faune souterraine fejettee par une exsurgence temporaire du Liban: Proasellus barduanii n. sp. Vie et Milieu 31(1): 93–99.

  Alouf, N.J. (1987) Données nouvelles sur les Crustacés peracarides aquatiques souterrains du Liban. Vie et Milieu 37(3/4): 265–266.

  Alvarez-Leon, R., J.E. Alvarez-Barrera, and S. Sepulveda-Cardenas (1999) Probopyrus pandalicola (Packard, 1879) (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae) en el caribe Colombiano. Memoria fundacion Las Salle de Sciencias Naturales 59: 17–23.

  Amanieu, M. (1969) Variations saisonnières de la taille et cycle reproducteur à Arcachon de Cyathura carinata (Kröyer). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 4: 79–89.

  Amar, R. and M.-L. Roman (1974) Invertébrés marins des XIIème et XVème Expéditions Antarctiques Françaises en Terre Adélie. 14. Tanaidacés et Isopodes. Tethys 5(4): 561–600.

  Amar, R. (1948) Un organe endocrine chez Idotea (Crustacea Isopoda). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences 227(15): 301–303.

  Amar, R. (1948) Une nouvelle espece méditérranéene du genre Munna, (Isopoda Asellota). Bulletin de la Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Marseille 8(2–3): 62–73.

  Amar, R. (1949) Un Jaeropsis nouveau du littoral mediterraneen. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2e série 9(1).

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  Amar, R. (1950) Sur un Bagatus nouveau pour la faune Mediterranéenne française. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 75: 36–42.

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  Amar, R. (1953) Sur l’existence de cellules neurosécrétrices dans le cerveau de Rocinela (Crustacea Isopoda). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 78: 171–173.

  Amar, R. (1957) Gnathostenetroides laodicense nov. gen. nov. sp. Type nouveau d’Asellota et classification des isopodes asellotes. Bulletin de l’Institut Océanographique de Monaco 1100: 1–10.

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  Amer-Hamsa, K.M.S. and P. Nammalwar (1978) Description of isopod Cirolana parva Hansen parasitic on the eye balls of dolphin, Delphinus delphis Linnaeus with a key to the Indian species of the genus Cirolana Leach. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 75(2): 516–519.

  An, J., H. Yu, and X. Li (2006) A review of the genus Apocepon Nierstrasz & Bender à Brandis (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae) parasitic on purse crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Leucosiidae) from Chinese waters, with a description of a new species. Zootaxa 1199: 1–17.

  An, J., H. Yu, and X. Li (2006) Description of a new genus and two new species of Ioninae (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae) parasites of Leucosiidae (Decapoda: Brachyura) from Beibu Gulf. Zootaxa 1186: 57–68.

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  Anderson, G. (1990) Postinfection mortality of Palaemonetes spp. (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) following experimental exposure to the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola (Packard) Isopoda: Epicaridea). Journal of Crustacean Biology 10(2): 284–292.

  Anderson, G.W. and W.E. Dale (1989) Probopyrus pandalicola (Packard) (Isopoda; Epicaridea): swimming responses of cryptoniscus larvae in water conditioned by hosts Palaemonetes pugio (Holthuis) (Decapoda; Palaemonidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 130(1): 9–18.

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  Arcangeli, A. (1935) Atlantidium barretoi, Isopodo terrestre dell’Isola di Madera. Nuova specie e nuovo genere della famiglia Armadillidiidae. Rass. faun. 3: 44–46.

  Arcangeli, A. (1936) Atlantidium, nuovo genere della famiglia Armadillidiidae (Isopodi terrestri). Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino 45: 219–254.

  Arcangeli, A. (1938) Stenasellus racovitzi Razzauti, Crostaceo Isopodo acquatico italiano. La famiglia Stenasellidae. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino 46: 17–50.

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  Arcangeli, A. (1954) Considerazioni sopra la volvazione dei Crostacei Isopodi terrestri e sopra alcune coaptazioni as essa connesse. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino 4: 75–93.

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  Argano, R., L. Bullini, C. Consiglio, G. Mura, and E. Raffaelli (1971) Studies on an island population of Sphaeroma serratum (F.) (Crustacea Isopoda Flabellifera). Monitore Zoologico Italiano (nuova seria) 5: 91–98.

  Argano, R., L. Bullini, C. Consiglio, and E. Raffaelli (1969) Ricerche su una popolazione insulare di Sphaeroma serratum (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera). Bollettino di Zoologia 36: 395–396.

  Argano, R. and C. Consiglio (1967) Variabilità in popolazioni di Sphaeroma serratum della costa di Provenza (Crustacea, Isopoda). Ist. Lomb. Acc. Sc. Lett. Rendiconti 101: 3–18.

  Argano, R. and C. Consiglio (1968) Aspetti della variabilità di Sphaeroma serratum in Puglia (Crustacea, Isopoda). Ist. Lomb. Acc. Sc. Lett. Rendiconti 102: 29–42.

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  Argano, R. and J.-P. Henry (1972) Une nouvelle espece d’aselle interstitiel: Proasellus acutianus n. sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota). Fragmenta Entomologica 8(4): 191–198.

  Argano, R. and G. Messana (1991) A new stygobitic crustacean in the Ligurian Alps (Italy): Chthonasellus bodoni n. gen., n. sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota). Stygologia 6(4): 209–215.

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  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1987) Anopsilana lingua, a new freshwater troglobitic isopod from the Palau Islands (Flabellifera: Cirolanidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 100(2): 347–352.

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1991) Annina fustis, a new isopod from Phang Nga, Thailand (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 104(2): 247–252.

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  Bowman, T.E. (1956) Una especie nueva de Bopyrella (Crustacea: Isopoda) de Los Roques, Venezuela. Novedades Cientificas—Contribuciones Ocasionales del Museo de Historia Natural La Salle (Serie Zoológica) 19: 1–4.

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  Bowman, T.E. (1965) Cyathura specus, a new cave isopod from Cuba (Anthuroidea: Anthuridae). Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands 22(85): 88–97.

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  Bowman, T.E. (1982) Speocirolana pubens and S. endeca, new troglobitic isopod crustaceans from Mexico (Flabellifera: Cirolanidae). Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 28: 13–23.

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  Bowman, T.E. (1986) Tridentella recava, a new isopod from tilefish burrows in the New York Bight (Flabellifera: Tridentellidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 99(2): 269–273.

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  Monod, T. (1924) Sur quelques Asellides nouveaux des eaux douces de l’Afrique du Nord. Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle d’Afrique Nord 15: 327–336.

  Monod, T. (1924) Tanaidacés et Isopodes aquatiques de l’Afrique Occidentale et Septentrionale. Ie partie. Tanaidacea, Anthuridea, Valvifera. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 5: 61–77, IV–XIX.

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  Monod, T. (1925) Isopodes et Amphipodes de l’Expedition Antarctique Belge, 2e note préliminaire. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris [1er série] 4: 269–299.

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  Monod, T. (1926) Sur une espèce nouvelle d’Eurydice de la côte Atlantique du Maroc (E. clymeneia). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 6: 75–77.

  Monod, T. (1926) Tanaidacés, Isopodes et Amphipodes. Résultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897–99, Expédition Antarctique Belge. Rapports Scientifiques Zoologie: 1–67.

  Monod, T. (1927) Notes Isopodologiques. II. Sur un anthuride nouveau du Cameroen, Notanthura barnardi nov. gen. nov. spec. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 52: 200–211.

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  Monod, T. (1930) Notes isopodlogiques. III. -Sur un Cassidinopsis peu connu des îles Kerguelen. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 55: 437–446.

  Monod, T. (1931) Sur quelques Crustaceés aquatiques d’Afrique (Cameroun et Congo). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 21: 1–36.

  Monod, T. (1931) Tanaidacés et Isopodes subantarctique de la collection Kohl-Larsen du Senckenberg Museum. Senckenbergiana 13(1): 10–30.

  Monod, T. (1932) Sur un Asellus aberrant (A. remyi n. sp.) du Lac d’Ohrid (Albanie). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 57: 206–217.

  Monod, T. (1933) Résumé analytique du mémoire de Theodore Monod sur les Isopodes (inclus Tanaidacea). Bulletin de l’Institut d’Egypte 15: 151–157.

  Monod, T. (1933) Sur trois Crustaces isopodes marins de la région Guyane-Amazone. Cahiers de l’Office de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques Outre-Mer, série Océanographique 7(3): 47–68.

  Monod, T. (1934) Isopodes marins des campagnes du ‘Le Lanessan’. Notes de l’Institut Océanographique de l’Indochine, Saigon 23: 1–22,pls1–45.

  Monod, T. (1937) Sur une isopode parasite du genre Asotana Schioedte et Meinert, 1881 (=Badroulboudour W.H. Leigh-Sharpe, 1937). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée 15: 465–466.

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  Monod, T. (1970) Sur quelques isopodes marins d’Australie I. Arcturidae. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2e série 2. 42(5): 1127–1142.

  Monod, T. (1971) Sur deux isopodes marins de golfe de Kutch (Inde). Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2e série 3. 42(5): 944–956.

  Monod, T. (1971) Sur quelques Crustacés de Tuléar. Tethys Supplément 1: 165–192.

  Monod, T. (1971) Sur quelques isopodes marins d’Australie. II. Serolidae. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 3. 5: 325–333.

  Monod, T. (1971) Sur un exemplaire topotypique d’Hansenolana anisopous Stebbing, 1900 (Crust., Isopodes). Cahiers du Pacifique 15: 7–18.

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  Nunomura, N. (1986) Studies on the terrestrial isopod crustaceans in Japan III. Taxonomy of the families Scyphacidae (continued), Marinoniscidae, Halophilosciidae, Philosciidae and Oniscidae). Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum 9: 1–72.

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  Nunomura, N. (2001) A new species of the genus Glossobius (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) from coetid fish caught in the sea near Tokyo, Japan. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum 24: 29–32.

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