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Detailed information for reference 23142

 Svavarsson, J. and K. Jörundsdóttir (2004) A new gnathiid species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoida) from Rodrigues, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Journal of Natural History 38: 3103 –3111.


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Reference ID 23142
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Svavarsson, J.
Jörundsdóttir, K.
Publication Year (for display) 2004
Publication Year (for sorting) 2004
Title A new gnathiid species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoida) from Rodrigues, Mauritius, Indian Ocean
Secondary Title Journal of Natural History
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 38
Pages 3103 –3111
Place published  
Abstract: Gnathia indoinsularis n. sp. is described from Rodrigues, western Indian Ocean. The species was collected from dead coral, Porolithion clumps and encrustations, compacted coral rock and in Acropora patches intertidally and at snorkelling depths. The species is most similar to Gnathia calsi Müller, 1993, G. cooki Müller, 1989 and G. lignophila Müller, 1993 in having a bifid, inferior mediofrontal process, a rounded, superior frontolateral process, and stout and simple mandibles with a dentate blade. The species is, however, distinguished from those species by a shallow, narrow excavation of the anterior cephalon border. The species differs from the only other Gnathia species from the Mascarene Islands, G. firingae (Müller, 1991) from Réunion, in having the bifid mediofrontal process considerably posterior to the superior frontolateral process.
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:49 2012

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