Sphaeromatid Isopods

Sphaeromatidae are mostly coastal benthic species occurring from temperate to tropical climates. This project will work toward the much needed revision of the Sphaeromatidae (99 genera and 680+ species). Our phylogenetic reconstructions will be based on molecular and morphological data. Once we have developed phylogenetic hypotheses, we will use comparative methods to examine possible cases of correlated evolution and test the specific hypothesis that female life history patterns can predict the form and degree of sexual dimorphism (planned collaboration with Stephen Shuster).

A definitive summary of isopod taxonomy and literature can be found at the National Museum of Natural History at: World List of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans.


::  Site design: Kimberly Townsend  ::  Logos: Michelle Schwengel  ::  Site infrastructure: Dean Pentcheff  ::


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National Science Foundation

This project supported by grant DEB-0129317 from the National Science Foundation


Natural History Museum
of Los Angeles County