Sphaeromatidae Phylogram |
The left half of this figure represents our present
knowledge of "long-tailed" isopods based on morphological cladistic
methodology and is a phylogram of 'long-tailed' isopod suborders and
families of Flabellifera based on the Brusca and Wilson 1991 consensus
tree. The figure is modified to include the sphaeromatid subfamilies
and depict current taxonomy. Sphaeromatid subfamilies are unresolved,
and their validity will be reexamined in this project.
The right half reproduces the "Sphaeromatidae" and depicts
"aggregates" of genera, reflecting preliminary morphological analyses.
Numbers to right of "aggregates" represent the number of genera
contained in this grouping according to present subfamilial criteria
based on pleopod morphology. Note that some aggregates presently
belong to more than one subfamily, and presently 22 genera (incertae
sedis) cannot be classified according to current sub- familial

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:: Site design: Kimberly Townsend
Logos: Michelle Schwengel
Site infrastructure: Dean Pentcheff :: |