Detailed Reference Information

Detailed information for reference 20537

 Nobili, G. (1907) Ricerche sui Crostacei della Polinesia. Decapodi, Stomatopodi, Anisopodi e Isopodi. Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino, Serie 2 57: 351–430. PDF is 9.8MB


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PDF quality
Text completeness:3/3 Text is complete
Plate completeness:3/3 Plates are complete (or original has no plates)
Text scan quality:3/5 All readable, but not clear enough to guarantee excellent OCR
Plate/figure quality:3/5 Well-scanned, but not full resolution; color lost
(Completeness refers to presence of entire pages in the document, not whether some pages are partially visible.)
PDF contributorGalatheid Workshop 2007 (Gary Poore)
PDF comments

Certification information

2007-08-09 Sammy De Grave Viewed paper/PDF original

Reference change log

2008-10-28 N. Dean Pentcheff Modified journal based on Galatheid workshop.
Title fixed based on plausibility
2007-09-06 Regina Wetzer Transferred certification and contributor from record 26273
2007-07-01 N. Dean Pentcheff Inserted space after hyphen in title
Changed journal to more likely version from Poore (unconfirmed)

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 20537
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Nobili, G.
Publication Year (for display) 1907
Publication Year (for sorting) 1907
Title Ricerche sui Crostacei della Polinesia. Decapodi, Stomatopodi, Anisopodi e Isopodi
Secondary Title Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino, Serie 2
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 57
Pages 351–430
Place published  
Keywords Alpheus Alpheus aculeipes tryphopus Alpheus collumianus Alpheus euchiroides Alpheus hoplites Alpheus insignis Alpheus lobidens Alpheus mitis Alpheus pacificus Alpheus parvirostris Alpheus strenuus Alpheus ventrosus Anchistioides Anchistioides seurati Anchistus Anchistus miersi Arete Arete maruteensis Athanas Athanas djiboutensis Atyopsis Atyopsis spinipes Conchodytes Conchodytes meleagrinae Exoclimenella Gnathophyllum Gnathophyllum tridens Macrobrachium Macrobrachium aemulum Macrobrachium dispar Macrobrachium lar Palaemon Palaemon debilis Periclimenes Periclimenes ensifrons Saron Saron gibberosus Stegopontonia Stegopontonia commensalis Stenopus Synalpheus Synalpheus brachyceros Synalpheus nilandensis
Remarks Is year 1907 or 1906?
Is journal “Accademia delle scienze di Torino”?
Reference Contributor Tag galatheid
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:47 2012

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